What are the three simplest documents for verifying a China Company?

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  • What are the three simplest documents for verifying a China Company?

Hi, Today's post is about the three simplest documents for verifying a China company. If you are serious about sourcing from China, you may have at least thought about verifying your supplier. Maybe you are not sure about how to go about verifying your supplier?

We have been verifying China Companies for over a decade, including tons of experience with the Fortune 500. In this post, we share some tips and tricks.

First, the three simplest documents are:
  1. 1
    The China Tax Registration Certificate
  2. 2
    The China Business License
  3. 3
    The China Bank Account Certificate

Are you ready? Let’s do it!

What is China-Verification.com??

China Verification is a service for finding and verifying China suppliers. We have verified hundreds of China companies.

At China Verification, we are both serious and passionate about helping our clients. That is why we prepared this post to help hardworking entrepreneurs - just like you? - to find the best resources for verifying a company?

We will help you learn pro tips and tricks for verifying your supplier or potential supplier. Today we are going to review the three simplest and fastest documents for doing precisely that.

Document 1: China Tax Registration Certificate

China Tax Registration Certificates are one helpful source of information about China suppliers.

Below is a sample of a China Tax registration certificate. So long as your potential supplier is legit, they will be able to provide this doc. 

At the top of the certificate is China’s national emblem and the text "税务登记证," which means "tax registration certificate."

In the China Tax registration certificate, you can find the details below;

  • Taxpayer Name (纳税人名称)
  • Legal Representative / Responsible Person (法定代表人/负责人)
  • Registration Type (登记注册类型)
  • Business Scope (经营范围)
  • Approval Authority (批准设立机关)
  • Issuing Tax Authority (发证税务机关)

Btw, in China, there are two separate tax systems responsible: the state tax bureau system and the local tax bureau system. They usually operate separately, and companies only need to choose one for their tax registration certificate. If a company’s tax collection scope involves both systems, the stamp of authorities in both systems will be shown on this certificate.

Document 2: China Business License

A China business license is a certificate of a company's identity issued by a local AIC (Administration of Industrial and Commerce). The AIC is, basically, the corporate registration and management authority in China.

Below is a sample of a China Business License. 

So long as you read Chinese, you will see that your potential supplier’s China Business License includes the following details:

  • Registration Number
  • Official Company Name
  • Company Type
  • Registered Address
  • Legal Representative
  • Registered Capital
  • Date of Establishment
  • License Expiry Date
  • Business Scope
  • Registration Bureau

As you can see, your potential supplier’s China business license contains quite a lot of information.
If you are serious, you may find yourself looking at and trying to understand a China business license. 

Document 3: China Bank Account Certificate

 China Bank Account Certificates are another source of information about China suppliers. Depending on how deep you want to go with your verification process, you may find yourself looking at and trying to understand a China Bank Account Certificate.

Below you will see a  sample, which gives you a good idea of what to expect.

The China Bank Account Certificate is always in Chinese. Still, it contains quite a lot of information.

  • Permit Number (核准号)
  • Certificate Number (编号)
  • Official Company Name
  • Legal Representative / Responsible Person (法定代表人/单位负责人)
  • Opening Bank Name (开户银行)
  • Bank Account Number (账号)
  • Issuing Authority (发证机关)+ - Here, you will find a red stamp from the People’s Bank of China
  • Date, comprising of: (Year, Month and Day)

Every China company is required to obtain this certificate when they first sign-up for a basic corporate bank account.

The China bank account certificate is one more piece of documentation that helps you verify if Chinese company is who they say they are.

How to Verify One of These Documents?

There you go, guys. We have introduced the three simplest documents to verify the identity of your potential supplier.

Your potential supplier, or even your broker, should be able to quickly provide copies of these documents.

Still, even after getting the docs, you may still want some help verifying the content (after all, it is going to be in Chinese!) Don’t worry, we are here to help.

China Verification offers translation of supplier documents as part of our consulting service. Just drop us an email with a copy of the documents, and we will get it done.

What’s Next?

Guys I really hope you fount today's post to be an assistance.
Like you know, we are serious and passionate about assisting hardworking entrepreneurs. If you think you want our help - just drop a message, and we can set up a call to discuss.


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