What Info is in a Chinese Annual Return?

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Hi 🙂 Today’s post is about Information Available from a Chinese Annual Return. 

If you are serious about sourcing from China, you may have seen at least a copy of Information Available from a Chinese Annual Return.

In this post we look at what information from a Chinese annual return is made publicly available by the authorities.

Are you ready? Let’s do it!

Who We Are?

China Verification is a service for finding and verifying China suppliers. We have verified hundreds of China companies  

Chinese companies are required to make an annual return to the tax authorities to report their business performance and financials, alongside other key details.

At China Verification we are both serious and passionate about helping our clients. That is why we prepared this post to help hardworking entrepreneurs - just like you? 

We are going to show you: 

  • What is a Chinese Annual Return?
  • Information Available from a Chinese Annual Return
  • How Can I Get Information from a Chinese Annual Return?

What is a Chinese Annual Return?

The Chinese annual return reports financial details, business performance, investment information, and shareholder information to the State Administration of Taxation (SAT).

Many components need to be validated to ensure that the company with which you are contemplating doing business is legitimate. A valid Chinese annual return provides you with important pieces of that inquiry.

It is a required filing for all companies registered in Mainland China, and must be submitted by a registered Chinese tax accountant professional who was responsible for reviewing and auditing the company’s financial information. 

The Mainland Chinese fiscal year runs from January 1st to December 31st. Chinese companies have until June 30th following the close of the previous year to file their tax submissions. Failure to submit the return by this date results in an “abnormal business operations” designation which remains in effect until the company resolves the discrepancies.

What Information Available from a Chinese Annual Return?

You can obtain a Chinese annual return and its registration records from China’s National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System, administered through the Administration for Industry and Commerce (AIC). Note that each company remains responsible for the validity and legality of the information it provides on its Chinese annual return, and not the AIC system.


  • China business license certificate (the 18-digit Chinese business registration number which is also known as the Unified Social Credit Code)
  • Company name
  • Address
  • Postcode
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Phone number
  • Core business activities
  • Number of employees, including number of female employees
  • Registration status
  • Investment status
  • Guarantees status
  • Controlling interest type
  • Changes to shareholders


  • Name
  • URL
  • Type (informational website or e-commerce)


It’s important to note that while all companies in Mainland China are required to submit their financial details to the government in a Chinese annual return, they are not required to make that information public. Some studies suggest that the vast majority – more than 99% -- choose not to disclose this information. If a company does choose to make its information public, it would include the following information:

  • Total assets
  • Total operating income
  • Income from main operations
  • Total tax paid
  • Total owners’ equity
  • Total profit
  • Net profit
  • Total liabilities


If the company holds investments in another company it also must provide that information, including:

  • Company name in which the investment is held
  • Company registration number


Chinese annual returns must provide details about each shareholder, including:

  • Number
  • Shareholder name
  • Subscribed capital amount
  • Subscription date
  • Subscription form
  • Paid-up capital amount
  • Payment date
  • Payment form


Companies must provide any changes to their shareholder structure, and include the following information:

  • Number
  • Shareholder name
  • Previous and current shareholder holding
  • Shareholding change date


This part of the Chinese annual return provides details of commitments received from or made to other business entities, including:

  • Number
  • Creditor name, including type and amount of debt own
  • Debtor name
  • Debt repayment deadline
  • Guarantee period and form


Companies also must disclose details of its social security commitments, including the number of employees for which it has paid benefits along with the amounts. Often companies do not disclose this information to the public.


Companies also must include details on any changes to the Chinese annual return, including:

  • Number
  • Amended item, including the original and edited amendment  
  • Date amended


With all official Chinese business documents, it’s important to verify their legitimacy - a process that is complex and challenging.

How Can I Get Information from a Chinese Annual Return?

Information from a Chinese annual return is available by accessing the company's registration records on China's National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System which is run by the Administration for Industry and Commerce (AIC).

Depending on the company, records are usually available on the system for each annual return going back to 2013.

What's Next?

Guys 🙂 I really hope you found today’s post to be an assistance . 

Like you know, we are serious and passionate about assisting hardworking entrepreneurs. If you have any questions about the Chinese Annual Return, we are here to help.

Just drop a message below.


China; Supplier; Verification; Identification; Document Verification; Administration for Industry and Commerce; AIC; Database; Record; China Company; Annual Return

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