What is a China AEO Certificate?

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What is a China AEO Certificate? 

Hi 🙂 Today’s post is about China AEO Certificates. 

If you are serious about sourcing from China, you may have seen at least a copy of a China AEO Certificate. 

The China AEO Certificate is issued to China companies that are directly engaged in import and export activities. 

In this post, we are going to share some tips and tricks about China AEO Certificates, including what they look like, what information they contain, how you can get your supplier’s certificate, and whether you need to see this specific document. 

Are you ready? Let’s do it!

Who We Are?

China Verification is a service for finding and verifying China suppliers. We have verified hundreds of China companies  

China AEO Certificates are one useful source of information about China suppliers. 

Depending on how deep you want to go with your verification process, you may find yourself looking at and trying to understand a China AEO Certificate. 

At China Verification we are both serious and passionate about helping our clients. That is why we prepared this post to help hardworking entrepreneurs - just like you? - to make the best use of the China Bank Account Certificate? 

We are going to show you:

- What does a China AEO Certificate look like

- What Information Can I find in a China AEO Certificate?

- How Can I Get My Supplier’s China AEO Certificate

What Does a China AEO Certificate Look Like?

As a first question, you may be wondering what a China AEO Certificate looks like. 

The Following is a sample, which gives you a good idea of what to expect.

What Information Can I find in a China AEO Certificate?

  • Certificate Number (证书编号)
  • AEO Name (认证企业名称) - official name of the company
  • AEO Code (认证企业编号) - a unique identifier
  • AEO Type (认证企业类型) - in China there are 4 different levels (or "types") of enterprise classification:

                     - Advanced Certified Enterprise (高级认证企业)

                    - General Certified Enterprise (一般认证企业)

                    - General-Credit Enterprise (一般信用企业)

                    - Discredited Enterprise (失信企业)

  • Date of Authorization (认证日期) - when the authorization was initially given
  • Issuing Authority (发证机关) - authorized by the authority named on the stamp
  • Date of Issue (发证日期) - when the certificate was issued

How Can I Get My Supplier’s China AEO Certificate

The China AEO Certificate is issued to a company through their local branch of China Customs.

This branch can be identified from the stamp used for the "issuing authority" field, which will usually display the text in the following order:

  • 中华人民共和国 - People's Republic of China
  • XX - Branch name (e.g. 天津 - Tianjin or 杭州 - Hangzhou)
  • 海关 - Customs

This means there are two options for getting your supplier’s China AEO Certificate. 

  • You can request it from the local customs branch in China; or
  • You can request a copy from your supplier.

 There may be advantages to either approach.

If you request it directly from the local customs branch, the likelihood is low that you will receive a counterfeit certificate.

If you request a copy from your China supplier, the advantage is that you do not have to deal with a government office that is only going to provide services in Chinese.

Do I need to See My Supplier’s China AEO Certificate?

No, it is not necessary to see a supplier’s China AEO Certificate.

Of course whether you need to review a China AEO Certificate depends on who you are and what your relationship is to the China entity. 

If the China entity is your supplier, it is unlikely that you need to review a China AEO Certificate. In fact, in most cases a supplier may not have an AEO Certificate. This is because the supplier is not directly engaged in import/export business.

However, there are cases where it may make sense to ask for a China AEO Certificate. The China AEO Certificate is going to be most relevant when you are checking out a shipping company. 

Looking at the China AEO certificate can be a sensible way to understand if the China entity is registered with China Customs as an "Authorized Economic Operator", which results in benefits such as, priority goods inspection, lower inspection rate, faster customs clearance, designated customs liaison officers etc.

What’s Next?

Guys 🙂 I really hope you found today’s post to be an assistance . 

Like you know, we are serious and passionate about assisting hardworking entrepreneurs. If you have any questions about finding the right supplier in China, we are here to help.

If you do choose to get a copy of the China AEO Certificate from your supplier or broker, you may still want some help verifying the content (after all, it is gonna be in Chinese!) Don’t worry, we are here to help

China Verification offers translation and explanation of the China AEO Certificate as part of our consulting service.  Just drop us an email with a copy of the document and we will set up a call to discuss.


China; AEO; Certificate; Supplier; Verification; Identification; Document Verification

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