What is a China Bank Account Certificate?
Hi 🙂
Hi Today’s post is about China Bank Account Certificate and how they can help you take your sourcing process to the next level.
Guys who are serious about sourcing from China have usually seen at least a copy of a China Bank Account Certificate.
All legitimate China companies must have a China Bank Account Certificate.
In this post, we are going to share some tips and tricks about the China Bank Account Certificate, including
Are you ready? Let’s do it!
Who We Are, Who is China Verification??
China Verification is a service for finding and verifying China suppliers. We have verified hundreds of China companies.
China Bank Account Certificates are one source of information about China suppliers.
Depending on how deep you want to go with your verification process, you may find yourself looking at and trying to understand a China Bank Account Certificate.
At China Verification, we are serious and passionate about helping our clients. That is why we prepared this post to help hardworking entrepreneurs - just like you? - to make the best use of your time and your supplier’s China Bank Account Certificate.
Let's hit this one deep.
We are going to show you:
What Does a China Bank Account Certificate Look Like?
As a first question, you may be wondering what a China Bank Account Certificate is gonna look like.
The following is a sample, which gives you a good idea of what to expect.

The official name of the China bank account certificate is "开户许可证", which roughly translates into English as “Open Bank Account Permit”.
The certificate is issued to Mainland China companies when they first register for a corporate bank account with a Chinese bank. In most cases this account is the company’s basic Renminbi (Chinese yuan) account.
What Information Can I Find in a China Bank Account Certificate?
Your potential supplier’s China Bank Account Certificate contains quite a lot of information. Depending on how serious you are, you may find yourself looking and trying to understand it.
Of course, a China Bank Account Certificate is always in Chinese. You must read Chinese. But, no worries! We have got you covered. The following is a run down of what information you can find in your potential supplier’s China Bank Account Certificate.
Permit Number (核准号)
This is a 14 digit number which starts with a letter and is followed by 13 numbers
Certificate Number (编号)
Usually 12 digits in the form 0123-12345678
Official Company Name
Specified in a standard sentence which states that permission to open a bank account has been granted
Legal Representative / Responsible Person (法定代表人/单位负责人)
Opening Bank Name (开户银行)
Bank Account Number (账号)
Issuing Authority (发证机关)
Here you will find a red stamp from the People’s Bank of China
Date, comprising of:
Year (年)
Month (月)
Day (日)
Getting Your Supplier’s China Bank Account Certificate
Every Mainland China-registered company is required to obtain this certificate when they first sign-up for a basic account at a Chinese bank.
When you are starting to negotiate with a Chinese company, do not be surprised if your new partner wants to show you this document as proof that it is legit. Even if your new best friend does not volunteer their certificate, it might be worth asking to take a look.
Simply the fact that they are prepared to send you a document is kinda sorta an indication that they are not a complete scam. That said, you are still gonna need to read the thing.
If the Chinese entity cannot present a bank account certificate, then who knows who you are really dealing with.
If the information the Chinese entity provides you does not match up with whatever is stated in the business license, then you are probably dealing with a fraud too.
Do You Really Need to Review the China Bank Account Certificate
If you are following our six step process for finding and verifying your supplier, you will have requested basic business information from a list of suppliers.
Once you hear back from your long list, you will start to see what your short list looks like. Your short list is naturally going to be made up of potential suppliers who provided you with their basic information.
One of the thing you are going to want to do is keep an eye out for the possibility that the information they gave you is not correct.
Say your potential supplier told you that they do their banking in Ningbo and are registered with the Zhejiang Administration for Industry and Commerce, which are both close to Shanghai. Well now imagine that their banking certificate comes from a bank in the industrial Northeast, near Russia. You cannot just turn a blind eye to that kind of inconsistency.
A China bank account certificate authorizes a company registered in Mainland China to open a corporate bank account and conduct business in China. The China bank account certificate is one more piece of documentation that helps you verify that a Chinese company is a legitimate, legal business.
Being serious about your business means keeping an eye out for risks, right?
What’s Next?
Guys 🙂 I really hope you found today’s post to be an assistance .
Like you know, we are serious and passionate about assisting hardworking entrepreneurs. If you have any questions about finding the right supplier in China, we are here to help.
Just drop a message below. This offer definitely includes questions about any China Bank Account Certificate. You can count on us.